5 Must Know Issues For Every Import Owner

Import Tuner Magazines Luke Munnell, wrote an important article on 5 important legal issues for all import and even domestic car owners. I have had a couple of cars impounded over the years. Standing on the side of the road, you won’t win the argument with the police officer.  Although honestly, I have won a few over the years.
Ever been pulled over for rolling too low or sporting too loud of an exhaust? Ever had your car impounded on suspicion of a stolen engine or missing emissions equipment, simply because there's no way for you to immediately prove the contrary? This month, our friends at SEMA's SEMA Action Network (SAN) help us address five points of vehicle legality you need to know.
Head over to the Import Tuner website, or better yet, pick up the issue to check out the article.  
Log onto SEMA's official enthusiast site (www.semasan.com) and join the SEMA Action Network (SAN) for free-we already have. You can research federal and state motor vehicle code, be alerted of legislation threatening automotive culture, and learn the top 10 ways to effectively communicate with lawmakers and make your opinions count-a system that's been proven to work. Most importantly, your involvement will strengthen a professional organization with government representation in all 50 states and at the federal level, whose full-time staff is committed to researching laws and legislation, constructing and passing model bills to standardize vehicle law, and defending enthusiasts' rights at all times. We have a voice. Let's make it count. www.semasan.com
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Source: Import Tuner Magazine